The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme offers 10-month residencies — mainly in the Humanities and Social sciences — in 19 European cities.
There will be no EURIAS call for applications for the 2019-2020 & 2020-2021 years.
You can apply directly to the IAS of the Consortium via their own call for applications. For more information click on the map below or check the list of participating Institutes.
L'Eupope des Revues II (1860-1930) Réseaux et circulations des modèles
Evanghélia Stead & Hélène Védrine
ISBN : 979-10-231-0556-8
Paris, PUPS, 2019
Nombre de pages : 986
Evanghelia Stead, Professor of Comparative Literature and Print Culture at UVSQ, EURIAS fellow 2014-2015, also a senior fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (2016), has published in French with Hélène Védrine the second reference volume...
Evanghelia Stead, Professor of Comparative Literature and Print Culture at UVSQ, EURIAS fellow 2014-2015, also a senior fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (2016), receives the 2019 Herman Broch Fellowship in Modern German Literature from the Beinecke Rare Manuscripts and Books Library at Yale University to enhance her work on Faust ‘I’ in prints and book objects: Germany, England and France (1808-1932).
Penser la différence culturelle du colonial au mondial. Une anthologie transculturelle.
S. Contarini, C. Joubert, J.M. Moura (dir.)
Mimesis, 2019
Cette anthologie propose une sélection de contributions théoriques majeures à l’histoire déjà longue de la pensée anticoloniale, puis postcoloniale et mondiale. Il s’agit d’une restitution originale des idées qui ont été développées, débattues, parfois...
Littératures francophones et théorie postcoloniale
Jean-Marc Moura
4ème éd., revue et actualisée, 2019, Paris : P.U.F., « Quadrige »
Le développement des littératures francophones tout au long du XXe siècle appelle des procédures d'analyse spécifiques. A partir de quatre perspectives complémentaires, histoire littéraire, analyse de la langue, étude culturelle et...
Sufism. A New History of Islamic Mysticism
Alexander Knysh
Princeton University Press, Princeton & Oxford 2017
Winner of the 2019 I.R. Iran World Award for Book of the Year, Islamic Republic of Iran
Alexander Knysh's book, Sufism: A new history of Islamic mysticism, written during his stay at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Study in 2014-2015 on a EURIAS fellowship,...
'Life diagrams: a methodological and analytical tool for accessing life histories'
Johana Söderström
Qualitative Research, first Published January 8, 2019 [online first]
The article argues for the utility of life diagrams as a methodological and analytical tool across various life history projects. Using research on post-war political mobilization among former...